Tag Archives: 2012

Reading Goal for 2012


GoodReads.com is an amazing resource for all things book related.  You can organize your favorites, ones that you want to check out, track what you’re reading, as well as see what your friends are reading.  I really made the most of my account (their accounts are free) this past year.  For the first time ever, I was able to successfully track all of the titles that I read.

Each year, you’re also able to set a personal goal for the total number of books that you want to read over the next 365 days.  At the beginning of 2011, I had this insane idea that I could handle 100 books.  Halfway through the year, I rethought my goal and took it down to 40.  I’m happy to say that I read at least 40 books in 2011.  So, for 2012, I’m looking to read 45 and will continue to track my progress on GoodReads.com.

What are your personal reading goals for 2012?


Filed under 2012, Books