Daily Archives: November 22, 2011

Learning to Love You More by Harrell Fletcher & Miranda July

Title:  Learning to Love You More
By:  Harrell Fletcher & Miranda July
Length:  158 pages

Miranda July.  I love her.  She’s unique, refreshing, and doesn’t leave her self out of any of her art projects.  Whether the medium is film, installation art, or prose, she never ceases to fully “bring it”.  Her work, as I see it, focuses primarily on human connection, love, and happiness.  She doesn’t shy away from showing the sad, stressful, or depressing aspects of daily life, because those are moments that we all experience, but it always seems to come back to love, in some sense of the word.

The concept behind Learning to Love You More (learningtoloveyoumore.com) is that Fletcher and July gave out “assignments” via their website, asking the visitors to carry them out, capture them in a photo, and submit them online.  After all of the assignments were complete and shut down, the artists’ favorites were compiled in this beautiful collection pictured above.  Some of the assignments were along the lines of – take a flash photo under your bed, take a picture of your parents kissing, take a picture of strangers holding hands, make an encouraging banner….

July’s work always rejuvenates me.  If I’m ever struggling during the week or feeling a little down, I can just pop in one of her films or pick up one of her books (especially this one) and it helps get me back on track.  All of the assignments in this book, together, cover the breadth of everything that is most important in life.  The photographs serve as a good reminder of all of the things that are so easy to forget while chugging along through the day.

Miranda July’s Official Site:  http://mirandajuly.com/
Miranda July’s Amazon Pagehttp://www.amazon.com/Miranda-July/e/B001H6IP94/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_2

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Filed under Art, Favorites, Miranda July